Montgomery Township
2261 Van Horne Road Route 206 Belle Mead, NJ 08502
908-359-8211 fax: 908-359-0970
Montgomery Township is a thriving community with a rich history, excellent schools, diverse recreation opportunities and a collective commitment to preserving open land and protecting natural resources.The community has successfully merged rural and suburban lifestyles in a cosmopolitan region. Located in the southern portion of Somerset County -- six miles from Princeton University and roughly half way between New York City and Philadelphia -- the Township is an historic 32 square mile community with an agricultural heritage. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimate approximately 22,958 people call Montgomery home. Established in 1702 by Dutch and English Settlers, Montgomery Township continues to combine a unique convenience of location with the lifestyle features sought by residents and businesses alike. Bloomberg LP, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products Company, Bristol-Meyers Squibb and Gibraltar Rock have operations in Montgomery.
Mayor: Patricia Graham
District: 7th Congressional District - 16th Legislative District
Type of Government: Township Committee
Population: Approx. 22,958 (2008)
Land Area: 32.26 square miles
Housing Cost Range: $270,000 - $2,600,000
Property Tax Rate: District #1 - 2.455%/100 (2007)
District #2 - 2.462%/100 (2007)
School District: Montgomery Township Schools 609-466-7601
Public Schools: Elementary, Lower Middle, Upper Middle, High School
Private Schools: Elementary
Public Library: Mary Jacobs Memorial Library 609-924-7073
Cable: Comcast 888-832-4667
Gas/Electric: PSE&G 800-436-7734
Refuse Removal: Private
Water: NJ American Water Company 800-652-6987