Hopewell Borough

4 Columbia Avenue Hopewell, NJ 08525
609-466-2636 fax: 609-466-8577

Hopewell Borough was settled in 1703 and founded in 1891. It is a picturesque town, located 45 minutes from Philadelphia and approximately one and a half hours from New York, nestled in the foothills of the Sourland Mountains. Visiting the Hopewell Museum provides an interesting look at the past; more than 8,000 objects, including documents related to George Washington, are in the collection. Today, well-kept older homes are set back on quiet, tree-lined streets. Shops in the center of town, mainly purveyors of antiques, occupy white wooden buildings of a bygone era. Stop by Tomato Factory Antiques if you are looking for a unique addition to your house. During your time in the area, visit Hopewell Park for a family picnic or to enjoy a summer concert! Here is the full list of community events in Hopewell Borough.


Mayor: Paul Anzano

District: 12th Congressional District 15th Legislative District

Type of Government: Mayor and Council

Population: 2,037 (2009)

Land Area: .75 square miles

Housing Cost Range: $375,000 to $520,000

Property Tax Rate: 2.037 (2009)

School District: Hopewell Valley Regional School District 609-737-0105

Public Schools: Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High School

Public Library: Hopewell Public Library 609-466-1625

Cable: Comcast 609-655-1300

Gas/Electric: PSE&G/NUI

Refuse Removal: Waste Management

Water: Hopewell Borough Water and Sewer Department 609-466-0168